all of this is eerily reminiscent of my experience of individuals with OCD. Most people with OCD (like my mother for one) are never absolutely NEVER aware that they are OCD, most of them are ABSOLUTELY INCAPABLE of considering thier own perceptions while they consistently think of EVERYBODY ELSE as the problem. No matter how you nail them to the wall with all the scientifically validated symptomology, they always have ways of putting their problem on their partners. they have their rationalizations, like for example “It’s important to me that my sons are not falling asleep in class and that they’re not late for school. My husband does not share those priorities, so I do bedtime and school drop-off.”
they always have their distorted reality. my mother would say “this room is absolutely filthy” and if i say “ok. show me one spec of dust” she would just repeat “this room is absolutely filthy”, on and on forever.
they have scientific studies that show that women are 50% more likely to volunteer to do…. what? something that actually needs to be done? the studies don’t say.
they put 100% of the blame on their partners with myriad ways of turning it around without EVER taking ANY responsibility for their own part: “We fell into this easy pattern where he learned to be oblivious and I learned to resent him.” “I can’t trust him to do anything, to actually remember.”
their partners are often perfectly aware of the real nature of the problem. for instance, “She wakes up on a Saturday morning and has a list.” but may not know that the partner’s behavior is a RECOGNIZED MENTAL DISORDER so they just don’t know how to address it.
meanwhile, feminists can do “studies” which (surprise) ignore the incidence of OCD in men, and turn a recognized mental disorder into YET ONE MORE form of patriarchal oppression of women, which is especially easy to do when there already exists a popular song called Women Are Domestic Slaves that we all know the lyrics to.
you go girl.