excellent work as always Joe. now how ‘bout a single word from this pathetic little screed that doesn’t quite obviously apply equally well to women.
Rule #4 of toxic androphobia: everything in this universe, from the stitching on a baseball to a young climate activist to the black hole at the heart of our galaxy, is an expression of patriarchal oppression of women.
What if Greta was a boy, Joe? could we count on you for a blistering diatribe about yet one more falsely righteous young misogynist attempting to marginalize women everywhere by cynically appropriating ANOTHER superficially noble cause only so he could steal the spotlight from the vastly superior accomplishments of women who are so much more deserving of our recognition? One more tsunami of obsequious adulation by an evil male-dominated media bent on erasing women from history by vastly magnifying the trivial accomplishments of men who contribute exactly nothing to society.
but then you wouldn’t get the chance, because if Greta was a boy then your evil, male-dominated media wouldn’t have gave her the time of day.