"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
You know where i'm quoting from, but do you have any idea what it means?
Three crimes of which it's pretty safe to say that the US is by far the most prolific perpetrator in the world.
"Boudin has spoken vaguely of “new solutions” and “alternatives” to incarceration"
Here's a new solution: it's called the Rule Of Law. You know, that pillar of human civilization for which the US has greater contempt than any other nation on earth (see the quote cited above).
"he declared, 'Locking up millions of people tends to increase, not decrease, crime rates'"
Especially if you were to actually COUNT the number of Cruel and Unusual Punishments being perpetrated, a number which is dwarfed by the number of excessive bails and excessive fines.
"homicides increased 32%, burglaries 49%, and motor vehicle thefts 35% in 2020"
I notice you don't mention the stats on excessive bails and fines and prison terms. How much have they gone up?
"A crime that no prosecutor is willing to send an offender to jail for committing has effectively been decriminalized"
That's a damn good point.
"The decarceration disaster unleashed by Boudin in the past year" can't begin to make up for the disaster of excessive bails and fines, can it?
“We will not narrowly focus on punishment”
I wonder why not. Could it have something to do with the fact that he gets paid by the most prolific perpetrator of all?
"It’s like hearing a fire chief declare he doesn’t believe in water."
No, in fact, it's not. It's like hearing a DA declare that he believes in the law.
"the only classes of offenders that Boudin will vigorously prosecute are murderers and DoorDash."
Perhaps you can tell us just HOW is he supposed to prosecute the worst offender of all.
"crime running unchecked will only hasten the exodus from this city."
If that had ever been true then there wouldn't be a city to escape from, would there?
If it's a choice between a piss-poor DA who actually cares about the law, and a rock star DA who couldn't care less, i'll take principle over power any day.