fukin pathetic.
so if a website shows pictures of barely clad women, we’re objectifying and judging them, but if John Ashcroft OBJECTS to the display of a half-naked woman, we’re shaming their bodies and inhibiting their freedom of expression.
you wanna tell me what planet it is where upskirting is “something that men attempt to do to women rather often”? (i like the reference to “exposed vaginae” that’ll get you some points for inclusive language)
i too have often wondered about the “unending sexualization of the female form” (you get an A for buzzwords, BTW). Maybe it has something to do with the transparent double standard people like you express by applauding women who constantly flaunt their superior status by hyper-sexualizing their OWN female form just so they can bask in their own power, while SIMULTANEOUSLY condemning US for reacting to them in exactly the way they intend for us to. Or maybe it’s the righteous way that you condemn US for the tiniest little expression of our hard-wired nature while you’re complaining that WE don’t respect THEIR free expression of their hard-wired nature.
you wanna show me a police officer who ever thought that women were indecent “simply by existing”? i still don’t know what planet you live on, but when did MY state ever try to criminalize women’s bodies?
“How far we have come from the natural state of humankind?” you mean the state where women didn’t have bras, skin-tight clothing, health clubs, the most permissive culture in history, and a ubiquitous photographic media that they use with no restraint whatsoever to amplify their power to wildly unnatural levels while androphobes like you never stop grousing that women aren’t free enough and that men aren’t bound and gagged enough? is that the natural state you’re talkin about?
and, of course, it wouldn’t be a proper androphobic rant if you didn’t throw in the ole damned-if-ya-do-n-damned-if-ya-don’t. Yeah, women can make porn and, yeah they can’t do it on national TV. Just ONE MORE way we patriarchs are oppressing the life out of women everywhere. i can’t help wondering what life is like on your world.
“Are some men that incapable of controlling themselves”? Here’s where you need to get out your Thomas Guide, because you’re not living on YOUR planet anymore, you’re living on MINE, and on MY planet the men are fully EXPECTED to live every day in a pressure cooker and smile and bow down and thank women for the priviledge, while the women are practically floating on air while aliens like you bitterly complain about how suffering and oppressed THEY are and how evil and priviledged WE are.
where did you download the software you used to generate the same standard false, hypocritical, and contradictory complaints that define modern androphobia?
or do you disagree? ya wanna answer a single one of these questions?
i’ll tell ya though, one thing i agree on very much. you’re last paragraph. word for word, RIGHT ON THE MONEY.