holy shit there’s still a statue of Nathan Forrest? That sonuvabitch was a TRADER, vastly more evil than the typical slave owner. And he made a fortune doin it.
I call it the ideology of Dorian Gray, the pretense of civility, a timeless, universal expression of contempt by the oppressors for the oppressed, a smokescreen that they use, like a sheet, to hide the real picture. The particular lies they use may change with the passing centuries, but the portrait remains.
That pretense is their shelter, their Get-Out-Of-Jail card. The moral distinction between oppressor and oppressed is certainly not as wide as it used to be, but the polarity is the same.
And maybe we’re witnessing the start of a miniature repetition of the civil war. Our phone cameras are doing for modern black people what Harriet Stowe did for the slaves. And now the keepers of the “peace” are damn sick n tired of being exposed and scrutinized all the time, surprised that we don’t just appreciate them like we’re supposed to, and their pissed off. So they circle the wagons, knuckle down, and fight their “enemy” like never before, just digging themselves deeper.
And now it’s got to the point where quite a few cities, for the first time ever, are actually starting to push back at the police. They’re defunding them, and there’s even been some talk of “abolition”.
Who knows how far this will go?