i feel like a bystander on the street who just saw Rosa Parks get thrown off the bus. This is the article that i KNEW i would NEVER, EVER SEE, especially on a site like this one. You just proved me wrong, and now i have geniune confirmation that there really are legitimate feminists out there who are willing and able to stand up to the blind androphobes who outnumber them. i’ve commented about it many times around here.
do you know what you’ve done for the feminist cause? for the rest of my life, i’m gonna remember where i was when i saw that article by Maggie Lupin. You just gave explicit voice to the silent cries of every real victim who’s been used as a fraudulent battle cry by the purveyors of pure hate who clearly don’t give a damn about the geniune cause. I can’t count the number of delusional liars on this site who’ve made a life out of spitting in the face of the very victims that they claim to be fighting for, like their personal addiction to blind hate is more important.
and make no mistake, that’s exactly what their doing. The Cry Rape culture is the number one reason why Feminism is broadly seen as a hate group, and why real victims are dismissed. Check out some of the Antifems on youtube and you’ll see what i mean.
If feminists are to make any more progress against real oppression, this is where it has to start.
Thank You Maggie Lupin.
i KNEW i would never see it….