"in spite of your chosen heretic path"
you could not have concluded your stunning hypocrisy with a more perfect expression of doublethink.
SHE's the blind evangelical sheep who's marching along with her MAGA religious doctrine, but YOU'RE the one with such obvious pride in your intransigent insistence that she couldn't have any other possible reason for refusing a vaccine.
SHE's endangering her granddaughter, the same granddaughter who's statistically proven to be IMMUNE from the virus, but YOU'RE the voice of reason hoping she will listen and learn.
And you're so fucking solicitous, too, what a righteous friend, carefully morphing HER into a one-dimensional symbol of straw, defending her little students who are proven to be LESS vulnerable than people like you who've BEEN vaccinated, publicly shaming her on the net because she didn't wanna take this shit from you in private. Gee, why not?
Oh, and before you put on your patronizing face, yeah i had a vaccine the 1st chance i got so don't even try it.