it sounds like you have an unusually sharp sense of affect, which, for most people at least, is largely a function of their innate personality. You’re certainly better off not watching CNN.
But i think you should bear in mind that many, if not most, of us don’t share that kind of sense, i know because i’m quite the opposite, very weak affect. Reality is not what we see in the news, it’s something you can only get from valid statistics. and according to the numbers, your generation, especially in the west, is the most peaceful one we’ve seen in quite some time.
which, i know, is little consolation for your students, victims of the University Industrial Complex, social upheaval, and economic chaos, all of which are only getting worse by the day.
So yeah, i’m just as worried for them as you are, but for different reasons.
Best of luck, Maggie. fight the good fight.