it was only a matter of time before somebody took the unique case of a celebrity confronting her demotion from diety status and turn it into yet one more verse in her Women-Just-Can’t-Win broken record. One more universal Fact Of Life turned into an Expression Of Patriarchal Oppression.
The problem is that when you start with a lie you have to keep lying to follow up.
"Madonna is constantly attacked for her appearance." that's a lie. there's not another woman in all human history more worshipped for her beauty. It's only logical that she'd want to preserve it as long as possible.
"Do you know a woman aging naturally? She will receive backlash." i know just as many women as men. Not a single one of them has ever or will ever receive any backlash for being human.
"Do you know a woman taking advantage of technology to look younger? More backlash." Tell it to Kylie Jenner. And in case you didn't know, Madonna's been doin it for 30 years, no one ever objected until now, and only because it was less succesful this time.
"There is no way to go, except to disappear." And at what age is every woman on earth supposed to vanish into the misogynistic void? Maybe they can all just go and live on another planet.
Happy birthday toooo- POOF!
"we are not here to serve men anymore." Well THANKS A BUNCH for bursting my bubble. Whatever happened to the good ole days when women were here to serve men?