our brains ARE wired to judge others and ourselves by superficial criteria. Or, to put it more directly, they are wired to enforce social hierarchy, and blaming the victim is a key mechanism by which natural selection accomplishes it’s goal. Your position on the totem pole depends on myriad invisible and mysterious forces that most of us, with absolutely mind-bending arrogance, think we can reduce to your own conscious choices.
And speaking of junk food, one of those mysterious forces is addiction: our unconscious and subconscious dependance on the Matrix. Money, sex, health, beauty, myriad forms of animal power, modern conveniences, personal relationships, physical security, material advantage, genetic advantages, in a word, all of the invisible crutches that work 24–7 to provide a constant, gigantic source of invisible energy that those on the upper end of the pole can dellusionaly attribute to their own conscious choices while they sincerely deny that those crutches even exist.
I eat crappy food too, but it sureashell isn’t because i’m any weaker than the next guy. Natural Selection is a lot smarter than we are. We all live on a diet of drugs. Some drugs, like sex, fitness, money, material advantage, will, by their repeated indulgence, tend to increase your physical, emotional, and social power over time and thereby reinforce your advantage. Others, like junk food, hatred, narcotics, crime (the ones your “superiors” would be using if they couldn’t get the better kind), will tend to weaken you by their long-term use and reinforce your disadvantage. This is how Natural Selection programs hierarchy into our DNA. The most effective thing we can do to change that is to understand it.