people like you are the reason why we have dictionaries. It's not about whether you like the definition, or about your creative sense of humor, claiming that WE'RE the ones wanting to redefine rape WHILE YOU'RE DOING EXACTLY THAT, transparent as glass, to promote your misandric agenda.
it's about consistency, about using a word and knowing that somebody else can look that word up and know what you mean without becoming an unwitting participant in somebody's hateful agenda.
It's called photonegativity. A lie is a falsehood (eg 'my Bentley's in the shop, this is just a loner") photonegativity is an assertion that isn't just a blatant lie ("such acts aren’t technically rape (even though they very much technically are)"), but is also the polar opposite of the truth ("Why Do So Many Men Need to Redefine Rape?")
you can also express a photonegative implication ("The only reason to argue about the meaning of words is to distract from that point.")
sorry but not one of the myriad lies you just told can cover up what you're trying to do.
And throwing in some actual facts ("lying to have sex with somebody? There’s no honor in that", "If you don’t think it is, then great! You and I agree.") along with your lies doesn't change that.