so how ‘bout white people who turn a blind eye to the far worse issue of apartheid against blacks? rich people who ignore the far worse problem of apartheid against the poor? And (needless to say) women who ignore the significantly worse problem of the oppression of men?
Not one word about any of that. And why not?
One look at your member profile makes everything abundantly clear.
one word: HATE
Hate for it’s own sake. Hate as an end in itself. Hate under the transparent guise of your righteous woke chivalry.
At least you do make evanescent mention of the vastly more severe problems like racism, Trump, predatory capitalism before you toss all of them into your semantical meat grinder and shove them into your one-size-fits-all universal black-n-white narrative of toxic masculinity, like sausages streaming out of a meat packing machine.
But who cares about what ingredients, what artificial flavors, go into those savory hot-links that are so cheap and easy to produce and leave such a pleasant taste in your mouth.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everybody just ate your blind androphobia to the exclusion of all else?
What about global warming, overpopulation, and factory farming? Aren’t they mere expressions of toxic masculinity too? Add those issues to your one-dimensional facade of social responsibility, and we can all sit and dine on your mystery meat while the house burns down around us.