thank you for answering in such detail. You may be entirely right, but if the joke doesn't matter, then how does any of your commentary really matter?
That's kinda like Donald Trump, or some anti-vax nut, or some flat earther, saying that the truth doesn't matter. Like some stranger who wasn't even there, who doesn't even CARE what the facts are, saying that "Everyone would have stood and supported you".
i know from experience that if i had heard something so offensive, then i would remember, word for word, what he actually said.
You may not know it, but you're publishing on a website that has very little credibility. I've read a LOT of blatantly delusional stuff on these pages, enough to know that it's not realistic to think that we're supposed to take your observation on faith.
I do agree with most of what you're saying, but yes the actual incident that started it all is undeniably relevant.