thanx 4 the reply those are some very powerful points, n that article about virtue signaling just taught me a few things about myself. this is a really profound dilemma between the PETA vs Vegan Outreach strategies. Nobody can deny that the Low Road works, that the ends do justify a certain level of sacrifice and/or damage manifested in the means, and that the only question for the individual to answer is that of where to draw the line. And there’s absolutely no possible logical criteria for determining that point. It is philosophically, morally, logically, and computationally impossible to write an algorithm to add the ends and means together and arrive at a number or a judgment. And even if it was possible to do it, nobody would be rational enough to accept it.
the author of the article in question is a perfect example of a similar type of dilemma. some of his work is really inspiring n profound. n some of his work is patently destructive and unbelievably absurd. you decide if the omelette is worth the eggshells.
pax, dude