the donkey/elephant polarity is universal, a product of natural selection, a mechanism of long-term tribal survival that's indelibly written into the human genepool. When times are tough, conservatives take over and keep the tribe alive, and when times are easy, liberals take over and the tribe grows and thrives.
In today's world, conservatism is nearly always a force of oppression and willful destruction. But you don't have to go back very far to see the brutal wisdom of natural selection.
Conservatives sure-as-shit were on the right side when the Reichstag fire broke out and Hitler seized the parliament.
And liberals sure-as-shit were on the wrong side when Mao Zedong took power.
What you're saying is true and indisputable. But look what we have now: a growing faction of liberals trying to ban any kind of expression that they don't like. is there a better definition of totalitarianism?